The CWAS greatly appreciates the support of:
The CSIRO's Parkes Observatory Visitors Centre hosts the permanent exhibition
The CSIRO's Parkes Observatory Visitors Centre hosts the permanent exhibition
The CSIRO's Parkes Observatory Visitors Centre hosts the permanent exhibition
The CSIRO's Parkes Observatory Visitors Centre hosts the permanent exhibition
SkyWatcher Australia supported the competition with prizes to the value of $10,00.
The Overall Winner Prize: Skywatcher 300mm Quattro Imaging scope Valued at $2999
Category Winner Prizes: Skywatcher Star Adventurer Photo Kit valued at $599
Honorable Mention Prizes: Skywatcher 76mm table top dobsonians valued at $174.99,
and Skywatcher dual lights valued at $55 each
The Overall Winner Prize: Skywatcher 300mm Quattro Imaging scope Valued at $2999
Category Winner Prizes: Skywatcher Star Adventurer Photo Kit valued at $599
Honorable Mention Prizes: Skywatcher 76mm table top dobsonians valued at $174.99,
and Skywatcher dual lights valued at $55 each

The Powerhouse Museum organises the touring exhibition to selected venues around Australia