The Conference Programme: Saturday, 22 July 2023
Venue: The Starlight Lounge of the Parkes Services Club
Venue: The Starlight Lounge of the Parkes Services Club
From 09:00 Registration
10:00-11:00 Phil Hart : "Exmouth Eclipse Expedition - Taking Eclipse Imaging to the Max"
11:30-12:30 Kerrie Dougherty (OAM) : "Australia in Space: From the Red Centre to the Red Planet"
12:30-13:15 Lunch - Provided for all registrants
13:15-14:15 John Sarkissian (OAM) : "Return to the Moon: The Parkes Nova-C Support"
14:15-15:00 Civic Reception: Hosted by Parkes Mayor, Cr Ken Keith
15:00-16:00 Presentation of the 2023 CWAS "David Malin Awards": Livestreamed
16:30-17:30 Dr Brad Tucker (ANU) : "Space Telescopes, Exploding Stars, and Dark Energy" - The John Bolton Lecture
From 18:30 Conference Dinner at The Parkes International Motel
After dinner address by Peter Ward : "Chasing Shadows"
After dinner address by Peter Ward : "Chasing Shadows"
The Conference Programme: Sunday, 23 July 2023
Venue: The CSIRO Parkes Observatory Visitors Centre
From 09:00 Daytime astronomy by the CWAS members - all day (weather permitting).
10:00-10:05 Welcome to Country by Aunty Rhonda, Wiradjuri Elder
10:05-10:30 Official opening of the 2023 CWAS "David Malin Awards" exhibition in the Bowen Room.
12:30-13:30 Kerrie Dougherty (OAM) : "Keeping on Track: Australian Support for Space Exploration"
Free Public Lecture in the Bolton Room
Free Public Lecture in the Bolton Room
Talk by Phil Hart
"Exmouth Eclipse Expedition - Taking Eclipse Imaging to the Max"
"Exmouth Eclipse Expedition - Taking Eclipse Imaging to the Max"
Phil Hart was introduced by CWAS committee member, Stephen Russell
Talk by Kerrie Dougherty OAM
"Australia in Space: From the Red Centre to the Red Planet"
"Australia in Space: From the Red Centre to the Red Planet"
Kerrie Dougherty was introduced by CWAS Vice-President, Christine Speers
Civic Reception hosted by Mayor, Cr Ken Keith
and Deputy Mayor, Cr Neil Westcott, Cr Marg Applebee, Cr Bill Jayet, Cr Glen Wilson, and General Manager, Kent Boyd.
and Deputy Mayor, Cr Neil Westcott, Cr Marg Applebee, Cr Bill Jayet, Cr Glen Wilson, and General Manager, Kent Boyd.
The Town Crier, Tim Keith, got the proceedings underway
CWAS President, Karen Kable, welcomed the invited dignitaries to the AstroFest
Deputy Mayor, Cr Neil Westcott, was the Master of Ceremonies for the Civic Reception
Welcome to Country by Wiradjuri Elder, Robert Clegg.
Parkes Mayor, Cr Ken Keith, welcomed the AstroFest guests to Parkes
Cr Marg Applebee presented Dr Brad Tucker with a special Henry Parkes Medallion
Cr Bill Jayet presented Phil Hart with a special Henry Parkes Medallion
Cr Glenn Wislon presented Kerrie Dougherty with a special Henry Parkes Medallion
Cr Marg Applebee presented Peter Ward with a special Henry Parkes Medallion
Cr Ken Keith presented Dr David Malin with a special Henry Parkes Medallion
The Parkes Councillors with Dr David Malin
Presentation of the 2023 CWAS "David Malin Awards"
Presented by Dr David Malin, Phil Hart, Peter Ward, Alex Cherney, and Brad Le Brocque
Presented by Dr David Malin, Phil Hart, Peter Ward, Alex Cherney, and Brad Le Brocque
Phil Hart presenting the 2023 CWAS "David Malin Awards" with Brad Le Brocque
Peter Ward presenting the 2023 CWAS "David Malin Awards" with Brad Le Brocque
All of the awarded photographers with Dr David Malin
The category winners with Dr David Malin
The John Bolton Lecture by Dr Brad Tucker (ANU)
"Space Telescopes, Exploding Stars, and Dark Energy"
"Space Telescopes, Exploding Stars, and Dark Energy"
CWAS President, Karen Kable, introduced Dr Brad Tucker to present the 2023 John Bolton Lecture
The Conference Dinner at the Parkes International Hotel
After Dinner Address by Peter Ward
"Chasing Shadows"
After Dinner Address by Peter Ward
"Chasing Shadows"
The Galileo Trophies were presented to Phil Hart and Peter Ward, the joint overall winners of the 2019 "David Malin Awards". The Penfolds Bin 389 wine was presented to Dr David Malin
Peter Ward presented the after dinner address, "Chasing Shadows"
The 2023 CWAS "David Malin Awards" Exhibition Opening at the CSIRO Parkes Observatory Visitors Centre
Welcome to Country by Aunty Rhonda, Wiradjuri Elder. Remarks by John Sarkissian, Dr David Malin, Karen Kable (CWAS President), Cr Ken Keith (Parkes Mayor), and Dr John Reynolds (CSIRO).
Welcome to Country by Aunty Rhonda, Wiradjuri Elder. Remarks by John Sarkissian, Dr David Malin, Karen Kable (CWAS President), Cr Ken Keith (Parkes Mayor), and Dr John Reynolds (CSIRO).
Welcome to Country by Wiradjuri Elder, Aunty Rhonda.
Dr David Malin declared the exhibition open
Dr David Malin and Cr Ken Keith with overall winner, Jong Lee.
John Sarkissian welcomed everyone to the opening of the exhibition
CWAS President, Karen Kable, thanked the organisers and guests, on behalf of the CWAS.
Dr David Malin remarked on the high quality of the images.
Dr David Malin congratulated overall winner, Jong Lee, on his beautiful image, "Rising Together".
On behalf of the CSIRO, Dr John Reynolds, thanked the organisers and the exhibited photographers.
John Sarkissian thanked David Widdowson of Astrovisuals, for producing the beautiful Astronomy 2024 calendar. The calendar featured the winning images of this year's competition.
Overall winner, Jong Lee, with his family.
Free Public Talk by Kerrie Dougherty OAM
"Keeping on Track: Australian Support for Space Exploration"
"Keeping on Track: Australian Support for Space Exploration"
CWAS Secretary, Tim Anderson, introduced Kerrie Dougherty to present her free public lecture in the Visitors Centre.
Daytime Astronomy with the Members of the CWAS
"Karen Kable, Laurie Crowley, Peter Cannon, Tim Anderson, John Zimmer, with Christine Speers, Denis Crute, Rod Kable, Stephen Russell, Colin Bembrick, John Vetter, Sean Ashcroft"
"Karen Kable, Laurie Crowley, Peter Cannon, Tim Anderson, John Zimmer, with Christine Speers, Denis Crute, Rod Kable, Stephen Russell, Colin Bembrick, John Vetter, Sean Ashcroft"
The CWAS was out early, on a frosty and clear morning.
Peter Cannon's telescope.
Laurie Crowley's telescope.
Tim Anderson's telescope.
Dr John Reynolds admiring Venus through Laurie Crowley's telescope.
Media interview of Dr David Malin
Media interview of Cr Ken Keith, Parkes Mayor.
John Zimmer's telescope
The view of Sun through John Zimmer's telescope
Karen Kable showcasing the Sun in H-alpha
The H-alpha Sun through Karen Kable's telescope. The prominences were, well, prominent.
The H-alpha Sun through Karen Kable's telescope. The prominences were, well, prominent.
Denis Crute and Rod Kable
Denis Crute
Denis Crute
The view of the crescent Venus through Laurie Crowley's telescope.