The 2024 CWAS
"David Malin Awards"
In September 2024, the Central West Astronomical Society held its annual astrophotography competition. Amateur astronomers and photographers from around Australia were invited to take part in the competition and to submit their astrophotographs for consideration in the prestigious "David Malin Awards". These are the winning images.
The Theme for the 2024 Competition
"Working with Light in the Night"
The challenge of the open category in 2024 is to showcase the night sky (or an astronomical object) against incidental artificial sources of light. For example, the Milky Way above a sea of urban lighting. Images taken with the same camera and lens/telescope combination can be digitally combined provided they are taken at a similar time and at the same location. The scene's natural illumination should be preserved. The goal is to show the night sky even if affected by lights. Obvious composites of star-fields pasted upon urban environments will be disqualified.
The CWAS "David Malin Awards" are proudly supported by CSIRO and the Powerhouse Museum